Saturday, March 31, 2012

Mad-Eyed Rant #2

Wanted to share a little bit about what's been going on and why I haven't posted anything in THREE WEEKS!?!

Mad-Eyed Rants #2:

I think this line's mostly filler.

Well, what could be so important that I could possibly neglect my dozens upon hundreds upon thousands of fans (yeah, I know there's only two people who actually follow this page, let me dream)? To answer that, I have two sources to blame. Okay, it's really just my own dumb fault, but there were external stressors that I feel I should share.

First of all, there is work. Yes, I know, other bloggers have work too, but here's where mine is different. Depending on whether the IRS closes my daycare down in May or not, I am up for a promotion. Yeah, it's that messed up. Let me explain by saying my boss got some bad advice from her former accountant and is now trying desperately to get the IRS to understand and give her a shot at keeping the doors open. So, I am simultaneously stressed and hopeful about work and trying to keep myself together so I don't explode.

If that was not stressful enough, I am also trying to go to school. I am taking three classes online and due to some late financial aid, I am behind. Like, three weeks behind in three different accelerated courses. Trying to get those done on a deadline has been very stressful and caused me to miss a few night's sleep.

So, I haven't had the time to act upon the goals I've set for myself that I spoke about in my last rant. I promise only to make no promises concerning future deadlines. Summer may be kinder to me, but it is too early to tell.

In other news, I am trying to win this contest by Shane Dawson of YouTube fame to try and rally my morale. By clicking THIS LINK, my friends can help me rack up enough hits to win a prize. I really do like this music video from Shane and am happy to see him produce an original song like my other YouTube idol, the band YourFavoriteMartian. Thanks for any help you can give me.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Mad-Eyed Rant #1

Mad-Eyed Rants
Getting on and KEEPING a Schedule.

For some crazy reason, I thought that I could keep a schedule of reviews current and interesting. Considering I was giving myself a week to write what amounts to about a page or two of text in Word, I didn't think it would be that hard. I find myself really wanting that Dragon software that types while you speak. However, my broke self can't afford that at the moment and that leaves me behind for the umpteenth week.

Now, I know my readership is small. I'm actually surprised anyone can find my page (let alone so many people from Russia) in this vast internet. However, if I ever want my readership to grow I need to do something that I have pretty much failed to do my entire life...STICK TO A SCHEDULE!!!

Now I don't know if I could ever be one of those people with a day organizer and watch, but I do know that I envy people with structure in their lives. These folks go to bed at the same time nearly every day, don't forget to brush teeth, get to work on time, and always have a plan. At the same time, I am a deeply spontaneous person. I place a lot of strain on myself by doing exactly what I should not do. I get to sleep too late, I lose things (A LOT), I drink way too much soda, and I don't exercise. If it weren't for the fact that I chase kids around a playground (don't worry, it's my job) I would look like a pile of failed humanity. 

I know there is a common ground where I can have both structure and spontaneity in moderation. I haven't found it yet, obviously, and that has led me to this rant on schedules. My mother recently asked me to set goals for myself and assign rewards to those goals so that I would have some incentive to work towards bettering myself. I feel like this is a start that I can live with, and my first goal for this blog is to write something, Eyes on the Rack, At First Glance, or Mad-Eyed Rants, at least once a week. To accomplish said goal, I will be working on writing for a half an hour every day at the same time. As an incentive, when I post a month straight I will reward myself by buying a new Blu-Ray/DVD collection to add to my growing video library.

Thank you to any regular viewers I have out there and sorry for having so many early issues. I need to be me and that means I need to account for my lack of structure and set realistic schedules for myself. This in no way means I won't post more than four blogs a month, I might find that I can write more than one blog. But, until I know for sure, I will restrain myself to saying only what I have said so far.

Wish me the best of luck,

Mad-Eye Louie